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Menopausal Formula

Calivita Menopausal Formula
Per donne
135 capsule

Durante e dopo il climaterio cambia l’organismo e il metabolismo delle donne. Aumenta il rischio di certe malattie evitabili (l’osteoporosi, malattie cardiovascolari). Nella Menopausa formula abbiamo scelto i principi attivi che possono aiutare in modo naturale a diminuire i sintomi negativi del climaterio (irritabilitá, vampate di calore, aumento di peso corporeo), e a diminuire i rischi piú alti derivati dal cambiamento.
Quantità in magazzino: 7
45.90 €
Il prodotto è disponibile in Offerta speciale >>
Menopausal Formula - l'unica composizione così ricca - 35 ingredienti in 1 capsula
8 ingredienti vegetali + vitamine e minerali necessari per le donne sopra i 40 anni!
Herbs for menopause contained in the Menopausal Formula

Menopausal Formula - capsule a base di erbe per la menopausa più vitamine e minerali per le donne

Menopausal Formula
Formula menopausa

Durante e dopo il climaterio cambia l’organismo e il metabolismo delle donne. Aumenta il rischio di certe malattie evitabili (l’osteoporosi, malattie cardiovascolari). Nella Menopausa formula abbiamo scelto i principi attivi che possono aiutare in modo naturale a diminuire i sintomi negativi del climaterio (irritabilitá, vampate di calore, aumento di peso corporeo), e a diminuire i rischi piú alti derivati dal cambiamento.

A chi consigliamo?
  • A quelli che sono entrati nell’etá di menopausa e il climatorio causa dei sintomi spiacevoli,
  • a quelli che vogliono prevenire le malattie di rischi piú alti per la menopausa.

food supplement Calivita: Menopausal Formula

135 capsule


3x3 capsule al giorno

Menopausal Formula ingredienti attivi

Vitamin A 500 I.U.
Betacarotena 7500 I.U.
Vitamina D3 80 I.U.
Vitamina C 100 mg
Vitamina E 40 I.U.
Vitamina B1 2.5 mg
Vitamina B2 2.5 mg
Niacinamide 7.5 mg
Acido Folico 40 mcg
Acido Pantotenico 5 mg
Vitamina B6 2.5 mg
Vitamina B12 5 mcg
Biotina 30 mcg
Acido para-aminobenzoico 2.5 mg
Colina 2.5 mg
Inossitolo 2.5 mg
Calcio 100 mg
Magnesio 50 mg
Zinco 3 mg
Rame 1 mg
Ferro 2.1 mg
Manganese 500 mcg
Iodio 15 mcg
Selenio 10.5 mcg
Crini 20 mcg
Molibdeno 15 mcg
Boro 300 mcg
Equiseto 650 mcg
Angelica 7.5 mg
Ginseng siberiano 10 mg
Felce dolce 10 mg
Cohosh nero 10 mg
Cardo benedetto 10 mg
Pungitopo 10 mg
Complesso di bioflavonoidi 1 mg

gelatin, L-ascorbic acid, calcium carbonate, calcium salts of citric acid, magnesium oxide, magnesium bisglycinate, DL-alpha tocopheryl acetate, anti-caking agents (potassium citrates, fatty acids, silicon dioxide), Black cohosh root and rhizome powder, Blessed thistle aerial parts powder, Chasteberry fruit powder, Licorice root powder, Siberian ginseng root powder, Dong Quai root powder, nicotinamide, D-pantothenate calcium, beta- carotene, zinc citrate, para-aminobenzoic acid, choline bitartrate, inositol, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, ferrous fumarate, citrus bioflavonoid complex, field horsetail stem powder, manganese gluconate, sodium borate, copper L- aspartete, retinyl acetate, pteroylmonoglutamic acid, D-biotin, chromium picolinate, sodium molybdate, potassium iodide, L-selenomethionine, cyanocobalamin, cholecalciferol.

Keep out of reach of young children. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied, healthy diet. It’s important to follow a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Warning: People taking medicines should consult their physician before consumption. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing women, children, people with liver damage and estrogen-dependent tumors, people with cardiovascular disorders. Not recommended in case of heart or kidney disorders. Not suitable for children under 1 year of age.

Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place.

Produced for: CaliVita International B.V. Beursplein 37, 3001 DC Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Best before: see side of pack.
  • You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner, before taking any supplement.
  • Do not use this product if you are pregnant or nursing.
  • If you have any type of medical condition, or are taking medication, seek qualified medical advice before using this product.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Menopausal Formula, Calivita, menopause

Menopausal Formula
food supplement

Formula for menopausal symptoms, hot flashes


Sooner or later in every woman’s life, the “change” or menopause sets in. It usually occurs between the age of 40 and 55, its main sign being the gradual cessation menstruation. Unfortunately, the accompanying side effects of menopause are not always pleasant. Menopausal Formula may be a great help.

Climacteric is a transitional stage in a woman's life between procreation and the beginning of aging. Hormonal imbalance causes unfavorable symptoms, especially in the initial period of menopause - hot flushes, excessive sweating (especially at night), insomnia. A woman becomes irritable, gets tired easily, and often begins to have problems with memory and concentration. These symptoms are often relieved by hormone replacement therapy, but it is not recommended for every woman.

Natural product for menopause

Currently, more and more women prefer natural solutions, e.g. by using an appropriate diet, gymnastics and taking substances that care for the proper course of many metabolic processes. The right selection of plant ingredients with proven, effective action can help a woman enjoy her life to the full in this difficult period.

The use of herbs, vitamins and minerals, along with a healthy lifestyle and well-balanced diet, may be helpful in mitigating the unpleasant effects of menopause. As well as having diuretic effects, Field horsetail is rich in silica which helps support bone density and collagen formation. Siberian ginseng is an adaptogen that is thought to stimulate mental and physical stamina, and help support the immune system. Licorice has been shown to support a healthy gastrointestinal tract, and to help relieve cramps, and coughs. Black cohosh has been used to help alleviate hot flashes and night sweats. Chasteberry contains flavanoids and essential oils that may help support healthy hormone levels. Aside from herbs, vitamins and minerals may also be useful in providing nutritional support for the metabolism during times of change. Vitamins of the B complex are useful in helping the body cope with stress. Vitamins A and C are excellent antioxidants. Supplementing with calcium and vitamin D is useful to help support bone structure as a decline in estrogen may negatively affect bone metabolism and density over the long term.

How the herbal ingredients in the Menopausal Formula support menopausal women

Field horsetail
Field horsetail (Equisetum arvense) has a beneficial effect on bones and helps to excrete excess water from the body.

Siberian ginseng
Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) stimulates mental and physical fitness.

Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) strengthens the immune system and liver functions.

Black cohosh
Black cohosh root and rhizome (Cimicifuga racemosa) alleviates perimenopausal symptoms and also has a beneficial effect on bone metabolism.

Dong Quai
Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) strengthens the muscles of the uterus.

Blessed Thistle
Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus) relieves symptoms caused by a deficiency of female sex hormones.

Chasteberry fruit
Chasteberry fruit (Vitex agnus castus) has long been a popular remedy for menstrual problems.

How do the active ingredients of Menopausal Formula work?
  • stimulate mental and physical performance (Siberian ginseng)
    help to maintain peace and well-being during menopause, and also take part in combating its unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flashes, sweating, feelings of anxiety or irritation (Black cohosh root, chasteberry berries)
    support the proper functioning of the urogenital system in women (Dong Quai)

Vitamins and minerals for mature women

Menopausal Formula, in addition to plant ingredients, contains many valuable vitamins and minerals that support a woman's life functions. During the menopause, when the hormonal function of the sex glands is extinguished, the body is greatly exposed to the loss of calcium. The preparation supplements the diet with vitamin D, which helps to maintain the correct level of calcium in the blood, as well as zinc, manganese and vitamin C, contributes to the maintenance of healthy bones.

Who do we especially recommend?
  • Perimenopausal women who want to benefit from menopausal symptoms.

Did you know that .. Siberian ginseng also supports the immune system and has a positive effect on sex life?

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Menopausal Formula
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