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OrganiCare Body Lotion

Organic body lotion

250 ml

ORGANICARE BODY LOTION (250 ml) è un latte per il corpo che si assorbe con facilità, cura, protegge la pelle irritata, la fornisce di sostanze nutritive, la rende morbida, flessibile per lungo tempo. E' applicabile su tutto il corpo, anche per la pelle normale.
Quantità in magazzino: 3
19.90 €
OrganiCare Body Lotion
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Ingredienti biologici

OrganiCare Body Lotion - Lozione per il corpo OrganiCare

Organic Body Lotion
Prodotti cosmetici biologici

I nostri prodotti cosmetici OrganiCare vengono preparati dai principi attivi di erbe medicinali coltivate in fattorie biologiche. Durante il nostro processo di produzione tradizionale, seguito con una grande cura e controllo dopo la raccolta manuale, non usiamo nessun eccipiente chimico. Così riusciamo a conservare l’effetto completo degli ingredienti preziosi, e riceviamo prodotti di elevata qualità, purezza ed efficacia.

La famiglia di prodotti OrganiCare contiene doccia schiuma, latte per il corpo, shampoo, condizionatore dei capelli, due dentifrici diversi e un balsamo pronto soccorso. Grazie alla tenera cura dei nostri ingredienti naturali, antiallergici, i nostri prodotti possono essere usati da tutta la famiglia, così è una scelta ideale per bambini e per la pelle sensibile.


I principi attivi più importanti del doccia schiuma e del latte per il corpo sono l’aloe vera, l’olio d’oliva, l’olio di germe di grano, la lavanda, il rosmarino e il burro di karitè. Abbiamo chiuso la forza e la purezza delle erbe medicinali insieme con un profumo travolgente in una confezione elegante, aiutiamo così a recuperare lo stato naturale della pelle e dei capelli.

ORGANICARE BODY LOTION (250 ml)è un latte per il corpo che si assorbe con facilità, cura, protegge la pelle irritata, la fornisce di sostanze nutritive, la rende morbida, flessibile per lungo tempo. E’ applicabile su tutto il corpo, anche per la pelle normale.

  • E’ utilizzabile su tutto il corpo, per ogni tipo di pelle, anche per la pelle sensibile, per uso quotidiano,
  • ideale per tutti i membri della famiglia, anche per bambini,
  • ideale per tutti quelli vogliono pulire la pelle con ingredienti biologoci, senza allergeni.

Calivita: OrganiCare Body Lotion

250 ml

Organic Body Lotion

ORGANICARE BODY LOTION is absorbed quickly, relaxing and protects exhausted skin, providing it with nutrients, thus making it soft, silky and flexible for a long time. It can be applied to  the whole body, also on normal skin.

  • On the whole body, for all skin types including sensitive skin and for everyday use,
  • for the whole family including children,
  • everybody who would like to clean the skin with organic, allergen-free ingredients.

Nature’s treasures contained within a bottle
The main active ingredients of our cosmetics are aloe vera, olive oil, wheat germ oil, lavender, rosemary and shea butter.
The healing effects of Aloe Vera has been known for thousands of years and from the 1960s onwards. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) organization officially recognized it. It is difficult to list the scope of its effects, but without limitation: it has an effect on wound healing, regeneration, anti-inflammatory properties, soothes, moisturizes burned or irritated skin, prevents bacteria, viruses, fungi, and delays the ageing of skin. Thus, we can call on this miracle plant for help when having dry, irritated, cracked skin, redness of skin caused by diapers, burns, or psoriasis.

Olive oil is also one of the most traditional herbal medicines, which is very rich in unsaturated fatty acids, provitamins, vitamin E, antioxidants, and therefore an excellent basis for skin regeneration and renewal process. In addition to its effective assistance in the fight against skin aging, it greatly heals wounds, and has an anti-fungal effect as well.

Wheat germ oil has extremely high vitamin E content, and thus can be used as a pioneer in the field of rejuvenation, reducing the signs of ageing, and is an antioxidant, effective emollient and regenerator.

Rosemary soothes dry, itchy skin, and unbeknown to many people, it stimulates hair growth.

Lavender is primarily known as a complement to the pleasant relaxations, however, its role is found not only in providing pampering for the sole. It is also an excellent muscle relaxant, sedative, and even promotes wound healing.

Anyone who knows shea butter, knows that its excellence would deserve a separate article. It has a long-lasting moisturizing effect, helps the skin's own healing ability, and reduces inflammation.

Use the members of our organic family products for your daily grooming and feel the power of nature on your own skin.

Diligence and care
What they have in common is: quality, purity, effectiveness, and careful production, all with a captivating scent. Every member of the family can use our products, and are excellent for all skin types. They strengthen the skin's defense line, and restore it to that perfect balance. The active substances are grown on an organic farm with the utmost care. Fruits and leaves are hand-picked and prepared for processing, which takes place at low temperatures to ensure valuable vitamins, antioxidants, and polyphenols do not lose their strength. We do not use any chemical additives during the process. Every step of the production is continuously monitored, thus we can ensure high quality, and clean-rich products as the final result.

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Organic Body Lotion
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