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Pro Selenium

Calivita Pro Selenium
Minerali e oligoelementi
60 pasticce

Selenio supplemento

Il selenio con il suo effetto forte antiossidante aiuta la protezione delle cellule e dei tessuti contro gli effetti dannosi causati dai radicali liberi, si aggiunge al funzionamento normale del sistema immunitario e della ghiandola tiroide. Ha ruolo anche nel mantenimento della salute dei capelli e delle unghie.
Quantità in magazzino: 9
11.50 €
Il prodotto è disponibile in Offerta speciale >>

Pro Selenium - selenio organico per capelli, unghie, sistema immunitario e tiroide

Pro Selenium
Selenio supplemento

Il selenio con il suo effetto forte antiossidante aiuta la protezione delle cellule e dei tessuti contro gli effetti dannosi causati dai radicali liberi, si aggiunge al funzionamento normale del sistema immunitario e della ghiandola tiroide. Ha ruolo anche nel mantenimento della salute dei capelli e delle unghie.

A chi consigliamo?
  • A chiunque che vuole una protezione forte antiossidante,
  • ai fumatori,
  • a quelli che hanno problema di ipotiroidismo,
  • agli uomini per migliorare la fertilità,
  • per integrare la cura contro il livello alto del colesterolo,
  • alle persone che seguono una dieta rigida vegana o di contenuto diminuito di proteina, dato che nella loro alimentazione mancano i pasti animali che sono dei buon fonti di selenio,
  • per integrare la terapia dei processi infiammatori – specialmente quella dell’artrite – presenti nell’organismo.

food supplement Calivita Pro Selenium

60 pasticce


1 pasticca al giorno

Selenium ingredienti attivi

Selenium 50 mcg

brewer’s yeast (gluten, sulphite), stabiliser (cellulose), anti-caking agent (fatty acids), sodium selenate, L-selenomethionine.

Keep out of reach of young children. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied, healthy diet.
It’s important to follow a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle

Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place.

Produced for: CaliVita International B.V. Beursplein 37, 3001 DC Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Best before: see side of pack.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Pro Selenium, Calivita, selenium, antioxidant, anti-oxidant
Pro Selenium
food supplement

Action of selenium

Selenium is a key component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. The main role of this enzyme is to protect cells and tissues of the body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Many scientists consider the cell damage caused by free radicals to be one of the root causes of aging. Selenium also plays an important role in the production of thyroid gland hormones. The hormones from this gland assist in the development and differentiation of all cells in the body, plus they help regulate protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

How does selenium work?

  • cares for the health of hair and nails
  • supports immunity
  • helps in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland
  • has an antioxidant effect
  • slows down the aging of tissues
  • neutralizes the action of certain carcinogenic substances
  • contributes to the proper course of spermatogenesis
  • beneficial effect for menopausal women
  • They work closely with vitamin E, mutually enhancing their action - together they protect the heart more
Selenium - an antioxidant for stress
It is well known that selenium is a trace element of powerful antioxidant effect, which supports to treat the effects of stress in everyday life.

Selenium for the thyroid gland
However it is less known that – besides all of these effects – it plays an important role in the healthy functioning of the immune system. It also helps maintain normal production of iodine, supporting thyroid gland hormones.

Selenium for immunity
Selenium plays an important role in maintaining health. Being a component of the antioxidant enzyme - glutathione peroxidase - supports the defense of cells and tissues against the harmful effects of free radicals. It supports the functions of the immune system and is also essential for the proper production of thyroid hormones. People on a one-sided diet (such as a strict vegan diet) tend to be deficient in selenium, so supplementation may be necessary. It is worth knowing that selenium enhances the effects of other antioxidants, such as: vitamin A, C and E.

Selenium slows down the aging of tissues and helps maintain their youthful elasticity. It neutralizes the action of certain carcinogenic substances and protects against some neoplastic diseases.

The importance of selenium in menopause
It is beneficial for menopausal women as it soothes hot flashes and other related ailments.

Selenium for men
Men need this microelement even more than women, because selenium accumulates in the testicles in their bodies and is excreted from the body along with the sperm.

Selenium against dandruff
Taking selenium reduces the symptoms of dandruff on the scalp.

It is worth remembering that selenium and vitamin E work closely together, enhancing each other's effects - together they protect the heart more against the harmful effects of free radicals than either of them separately. Selenium deficiency has serious effects.

Discovery of selenium

Discovered by Jons Berzelius in 1817, the trace element selenium gets its name from the Greek word “selene”, because of its white color. For a long time after discovery, it was considered to be a toxic substance, but subsequent scientific investigation revealed selenium to be an indispensable element of proper nutrition

Selenium sources

Selenium can be found in seafood, meats and grains, although the amount can vary greatly. The amount in meat depends on the selenium content of the grass or grain that is fed to the cattle, and this, in turn, depends on the selenium content of the soil where the plant was grown. The highest natural concentrations of selenium is generally found in brazil nuts. Differences between geographic areas are reflected in the amount of selenium in plants, including its amount in the ears of cereals. In New Zealand, where the soil is poor in selenium, cattle suffer from heart and muscle diseases (e.g. myasthenia gravis). Inhabitants replenish selenium deficiencies in the diet by consuming wheat imported from Australia. Similarly, in the Chinese province of Keshan, the high-prevalence heart disease was the result of a lack of selenium (hence the name Keshan disease). Dietary selenium deficiencies may interfere with the body's defenses and be more susceptible to infections.

Who do we especially recommend?

  • To all people looking for strong antioxidant support.
  • People who want to support the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Men to increase fertility.
  • People who eat irrationals.
  • Tobacco smokers.

Interesting facts about selenium

Do you know that...
  • As with many other minerals, selenium absorption is enhanced when the element is taken bonded to an organic acid (known as “chelated” form).
  • One tablet of Pro-Selenium provides as much selenium as 3 eggs or 2 canned tunas (150 gr).

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Il prodotto è disponibile in Offerta speciale
Pro Selenium
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