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Senior Formula

Calivita Senior Formula
90 pasticce

Multivitaminico per gli anziani

La Senior Formula é una multivitamina creata specialmente alle persone oltre a 50 anni, integrata con sostanze minerali, oligoelementi, antiossidanti, bioflavonoidi e estratti vegetali come ginkgo biloba, vinacciolo e scorza di pino. Con questo nostro prodotto offriamo un aiuto sia per l’affiancamento del sistema immunitario, sia per mantenere il potenziale e la freschezza fisico-mentale.
Quantità in magazzino: 12
24.90 €
Il prodotto è disponibile in Offerta speciale >>

Senior Formula - vitamine per anziani per memoria, cuore e concentrazione

Senior Formula
Multivitaminico per gli anziani

La Senior Formula é una multivitamina creata specialmente alle persone oltre a 50 anni, integrata con sostanze minerali, oligoelementi, antiossidanti, bioflavonoidi e estratti vegetali come ginkgo biloba, vinacciolo e scorza di pino. Con questo nostro prodotto offriamo un aiuto sia per l’affiancamento del sistema immunitario, sia per mantenere il potenziale e la freschezza fisico-mentale.

A chi consigliamo?
  • In particolare per quelli oltre a 50 anni per il funzionamento sano dell’organismo e dei processi normali fisiologici,
  • in tempo di raffreddamento per aumentare la premunizione,
  • chi sono sotto carico fisico e mentale intensivo,
  • in caso di alimentazione non equilibrata (consumo di poche frutte e verdure, dieta e vegetarianismo),
  • ai fumatori attivi o a quelli passivi, agli abitanti dei villaggi di aria inquinata,
  • alle persone che consumano alcool sistematicamente,
  • a quelli che stanno recuperandosi da una malattia.

food supplement Calivita: Senior Formula

90 pasticce


1 pasticca al giorno

Senior Formula ingredienti attivi

Ginkgo biloba foglia 10 mg
Superoxide dismutase 15 mcg
Betacarotena 2950 I.U.
Vitamina E 10 I.U.
Vitamina C 60 mg
Vitamina B1 1.2 mcg
Vitamina B2 1.5 mg
Niacina 10 mg
Acido Pantotenico 3 mg
Vitamina B6 1.5 mg
Acido Folico 70 mcg
Vitamina B12 1 mcg
Colina 5 mg
Inossitolo 5 mg
Acido para-aminobenzoico 4 mg
Biotina 50 mcg
Complesso del bioflavonoide 5 mg
Complesso di esperidina 1 mg
Ferro 3 mg
Rame 300 mcg
Zinco 5 mg
Manganese 800 mcg
Chromo 50 mcg
Selenio 20 mcg
Molibdeno 25 mcg
Iodio 20 mcg
L-glutathione 1 mg
Estratto del seme dell'uva 1 mg
Luteina 500 mcg
Estratto di scorza di conifere 1 mg

stabilizer: calcium carbonate, stabilizer: microcrystalline cellulose; vitamin C; anti-caking agent: fatty acids (stearic acid), whey (from milk), stabilizer: potassium chloride, bulking agent: cross-linked sodium carboxymethylcellulose; iron (II) bisglycinate, vitamin E, bata-carotene; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; powdered ginkgo leaves (Ginkgo biloba), niacin, zinc bisglycinate, choline bitartrate, inositol, D-biotin, citrus bioflavonoid complex, lutein, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), pantothenic acid, copper diglycinate, vitamin, manganese diglycinate B6, riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine (vitamin B1), hesperidin complex, L-selenomethionine, L-glutathione, grape seed extract (Vitis vinifera), pine bark extract (Pinus massoniana); glazing agent: shellac, glazing agent: talc; chromium picolinate, vitamin B12, folates, sodium molybdate (VI), superoxide dismutase.
  • You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner before taking any supplement.
  • This product is not recommended for hemophiliacs, those taking anticoagulants, or for those with pending surgery or operation, as some of the ingredients may increase blood coagulation time.
  • Do not take this product during pregnancy or nursing.
  • Diabetics should consult their doctor before taking this product.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Senior Formula, Calivita, vitamins for seniors, memory, concentration, macula, circulatory system, heart, cholesterol
Senior Formula
food supplement

Multivitamin for seniors

The body’s vitamin requirements changes with increasing age, along with other factors. Metabolism slows down, and the absorption of nutrients becomes incomplete. Senior Formula is especially formulated for people aged 50 and above for improved health and sense of well-being.

Vitamins 50+
The advancement of age alters the nutritional requirements of our bodies. Our metabolism slows down with the result that metabolic processes take longer, and nutrient absorption may not be as efficient as in our youth. Moreover other factors that typically come with aging may affect the body’s need for nutrients. These factors can include less exercise and physical activity, unbalanced diet, the accumulation of unhealthy habits, and increases in physical and mental strain. For these reasons, the vitamin and mineral demand of our metabolism may increase as we get older.

CaliVita’s® Senior Formula is a multivitamin and mineral complex specially formulated to provide optimum nutritional support for those over 50 years of age. The full range of vitamins and trace minerals contribute to the healthy and proper functioning of the various physiological processes. Besides vitamins and minerals, the formula has been enhanced with important antioxidants and beneficial herbal extracts, such as superoxide dismutase, lutein, ginkgo biloba, grape seed extract and pine bark extract. Oxidative cell damage caused by unstable particles called free radicals, is thought by many scientists to be one of the root causes of the metabolic deterioration that comes with aging. As such, antioxidants may help support our long term health.

Superoxide dismutase is an antioxidant enzyme that play an important role in protecting our cells from damage caused by reactive oxygen species, one of the more common free radicals in our system. Lutein is an effective antioxidant as well, and helps protect the eyes against the harmful effects of UV radiation. Ginkgo biloba, or maidenhair tree, contains several antioxidants, and is thought to stimulate microcirculation in the capillaries, which is important for eyesight, as well as nutrient delivery and waste removal from the cells of the body. Grape seed extract is rich in polyphenols, which has been shown to be an effective antioxidant.  Pine bark extract is an antioxidant, plus it may have an inhibiting effect on adhesion proteins in the bloodstream, which may in turn improve ciculation.

Who do we recommend the Senior Formula product to?
  • People over 50, in order to enrich the diet with ingredients supporting the proper functioning of the body.
  • People who want to increase their immunity and gain more energy.
  • During periods of increased physical and mental stress.
  • People whose diet is not fully balanced and varied.
  • Seniors with varying degrees of activity.
  • Inhabitants of polluted urban agglomerations.
Senior Formula
Forever young at heart

Natural vitamins for the elderly

The preparation was developed with the nutritional needs of the elderly in mind. A carefully selected set of nutrients allows you to stay in peak condition in the fall of life. The composition is based on the latest scientific achievements to protect the body in a natural and effective way against the effects of the aging process.

Senior Formula is a strengthening preparation for seniors, containing: natural vitamins, selected minerals with high digestibility (chelates), important unique enzymes (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase), well-known bioflavonoids, glutathione, lutein, grape seed extract, ginkgo.

Aging is an inevitable, genetically programmed physiological process that is still full of mysteries and puzzles. However, old age does not necessarily mean illness. Many ailments and diseases, until recently considered a simple consequence of the aging of the body, are now considered strictly dependent on the lifestyle. So: "healthy old age" works all your life.

One of the secrets to longevity is a proper, well-balanced diet. Everyone, regardless of age, should eat properly. What is necessary for a young organism is also needed by adults and the elderly, only the amounts and proportions between the nutrients change. In old age, the body no longer requires as many calories to function as it does in youth. However, the need for vitamins and minerals does not change, so the diet of these people should be carefully planned to ensure the body with an adequate supply of all necessary substances with a reduced caloric value of meals. Unfortunately, the diet of the elderly often leaves much to be desired. In addition, long-term, often excessive in relation to the needs, use of medications and therapeutic diets may adversely affect their health. As the years go by, nutrient deficiencies develop imperceptibly, the symptoms of which are often considered a manifestation of the natural aging of the body.

Today it is already known that appropriate changes in the diet combined with supplementation adapted to the needs of the body bring great benefits in the form of health and several additional years of active life. Supplementing the daily diet with the necessary amount of antioxidants not only delays the aging process, but also strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of modern civilization diseases. The leading representatives of these compounds include: vitamins (beta carotene, vitamin C and E), selected minerals (selenium, zinc), enzymes (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase) and all well-known bioflavonoids (including hesperidin), glutathione, lutein, grape seed extract or Japanese ginkgo. Careful selection of all these nutrients, combined with a healthy lifestyle, will allow people in the golden age to stay in top form for many years.

Product ingredients affects:
  • oxygenation of brain cells, memory and concentration
  • macula (yellow spot) of the eye responsible for good vision
  • circulatory system and heart function
  • regulation of cholesterol
  • strengthen immunity.

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Senior Formula
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