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Vitamin E

Calivita Vitamin E
Vitamine Calivita
100 capsule gelatinose

La vitamina E che è notato anche come vitamina della giovinezza fa molti effetti positivi a tutto l’organismo. Protegge gli acidi grassi valorosi contro i radicali liberi danneggianti – cioè ha un effetto forte antiossidante – cosi aiuta a mantenere giovani e sani le nostre cellule, pelle, sistema nervoso e quello circolatorio.
Quantità in magazzino: 7
13.90 €
Il prodotto è disponibile in Offerta speciale

Calivita Vitamin E - vitamina E naturale

Vitamin E
Supplemento vitamina E

La vitamina E che è notato anche come vitamina della giovinezza fa molti effetti positivi a tutto l’organismo. Protegge gli acidi grassi valorosi contro i radicali liberi danneggianti – cioè ha un effetto forte antiossidante – cosi aiuta a mantenere giovani e sani le nostre cellule, pelle, sistema nervoso e quello circolatorio.

A chi consigliamo?
  • A tutti quelli che vogliono mantenere la loro giovinezza,
  • dopo malattie e stati acciaccati per la restituzione delle cellule,
  • dopo le ferite epiteliali e ustioni per velocizzare la guarigione della pelle,
  • ai sportivi per lo sviluppo necessario dei muscoli e per l’aumento della potenza muscolare.

food supplement Calivita Vitamin E

100 capsule gelatinose


1 capsula gelatinosa al giorno

Vitamin E ingredienti attivi

Vitamina E 100 I.U.

vitamin E, gelatin capsule (gelatin, water, glycerin)

  • You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner, before taking any supplement.
  • Certain medications may reduce absorption of vitamin E. Check with your doctor.
  • If you suffer from high blood pressure, or have a pending operation or surgery, seek qualified medical advice before taking this product.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Vitamin E, Calivita, natural vitamin E
Vitamin E
food supplement

Vitamin E - antioxidant

We are exposed to the cell-damaging effects of free radicals day after day. The destroying effects are intensified by environmental damages as well (like smog, cigarette smoke, UV radiation, or certain unhealthy foods). Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, which helps maintain the normal functioning of cells. Take advantage of the natural assistance that vitamin E can offer!

How does vitamin E work?

Many scientists believe that the root cause of aging, or at least a contributing factor, is the damage caused to the cells of our bodies by highly unstable and reactive atoms known as free radicals. Normally, electrons surrounding the nucleus of an atom are in pairs. Oxidative processes in our body, such as converting food to energy, causes some of these atoms to lose an electron, turning them into free radicals…that is, an atom with an upaired electron in its outer ring. As electrons have a strong bias to exist in pairs, rather than singly, the free radical will steal the electron it needs from another normal atom, turning the normal atom into a free radical, and starting a chain reaction of free radical formation. Over time, this process can cause impairments in cell function. If enough damage is cause, the cell can die.

Antioxidants are substances that are able to slow down or break the chain reaction of free radical formation, by their ability to donate a single electron to a free radical without becoming unstable themselves. One of the best antioxidants known is the fat-soluable Vitamin E (tocoferol).

Aside from being a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E plays many other important physiological roles in our metabolism. One of the more important functions is that it is required for the utilizations of many several other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin K and selenium. In addition to this role, it provides key support for both immune system, and central nervous system function, as well as helping to regulate sexual hormones. It is beneficial for high performance individuals such as athletes, as it supports protein synthesis, and helps delay muscle fatigue.

Vitamin E can be synthesized in a laboratory, but natural sources, such as the vitamin E found in wheat germ, legumes or eggs, tends to be easier for the body to store. CaliVita® Vitamin E, and Mega Vitamin E contain only the freshest, highest-quality natural source vitamin E

Who is especially recommended for vitamin E supplementation?

  • People who experience stress and rush on a daily basis.
  • People living in a polluted environment.
  • Active and passive tobacco smokers.
  • People exposed to UV radiation and electromagnetic fields emitted by computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices.

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Vitamin E
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